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Invest with impactact for climate

Crowdfunding the Energy Transition

Enerfip plant

« Each of us can, in our own way and through our investment decisions, steer energy policies towards a carbon-free society. »

Julien hostache signature
Chairman and Co-founder of Enerfip
invested on Enerfip
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funded projects
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Reduce the carbon footprint of your moneyby 90% thanks to Enerfip

Compared to the average traditional bankaccording to OXFAM’s 2020 report.

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Investing with Enerfip means you decide exactly what your money goes towards

Solar energy



Soft & sustainable mobility

Wind power

Energy efficiency

It also guarantees your money will never be used to support

Oil facilities

Polluting industries

Fossil fuels

Deforestation businesses

Nuclear energy

Speculative finance

Your money,Your decision.

Would you rather invest across Europe or just in projects in your home country? In one source of energy, or in as many as possible?

It's up to you: You invest your money directly in the projects and businesses that you select.

Explore Opportunities

Project auditing & selectionby our team of experts

Our team’s expertise in renewable project development, finance and law, ensures an efficient and rigorous selection process.

Following a thorough audit, the most promising applications are submitted to a selection committee who put together the most reliable and sustainable investment opportunities.

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People around desk

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More than 51,000 people have taken the plungeWhat about You?

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